What to do before your appointment
Before coming to Curl whisperer for your curly appointment you must first have enough hair to cut to change the shape of your curls, we normally say to book about six months in advance of the appointment if you are a new client. If you are growing out a shorter style you will need to grow your hair for a bit to see the curl pattern.
Make sure your curls are freshly washed with shampoo or co wash, conditioned and thoroughly detangled as this will effect how the hair is cut. Then rinse all the conditioner out and either let the hair dry naturally or used diffuser. Your curls must be free from product , I need to see your natural hair and curl pattern it might be frizzy and wild to you but this how It needs to be. Please do not manipulate (twist ,curls round your fingers, clip it up) in any way as this is not your natural curl pattern. I know this is a difficult ask as for many of you you have never left the house without product, but this is the way I need it to give you the best curly cut.
You don’t need to bring your normal products with you but you can take photos to show me.
You can bring photos of the curls and shape you like to give me an idea of what you like and don’t like.
I will let you take photos of all the products I use and give you advice on how to wash and style your curls, but the main bit is up to you. You will need to do bit of homework to learn to get to know your curls, it takes time. You will not be able to achieve the results that I will on the first wash but you can over time learn the technique. It is easy you just need to follow the steps I tell you, there is also my step by step guide to help remind you what I did.
I just need you to come with your curls, and I promise to listen, make you feel comfortable and I will give the help you need to continue your curly journey.